See The Ladder In The Vision And Preach The Gospel
See the Ladder in the Vision and Preach the Gospel
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:
When we were in Tanzania, Henry who is from Kenya was with us, and we encouraged him, preach the Gospel , because he was not very cooperative with us to preach the Gospel .
Later we found that he was not very clear about the Jesus , there is some confusion in his mind, Therefore we cannot preach the Gospel with one heart
On the Sabbath morning of Saturday, 21, March, we met at our hotel to preach the Gospel of the True Jesus Church.
When we explain that the True Jesus Church is God's Church and that is different denominations, that the True Jesus Church is the name of the Jesus Christ , and that only the True Jesus Church is saved, Henry, who is sitting there, sees a vision: he sees the sky open, and a ladder is descending from heaven to earth, and the ladder is surrounded by light.
He suddenly woke up and understood the Jesus Christ .
He is very excited to tell us: "I finally understand the True Jesus Church is God's Church,that is different from other church.
And then Henry's attitude changed a lot, and he was very happy, and when we preached the Gospel, he began to preach the truth with us,
For he understood that what is the True Jesus Church, which is bought with the blood of Jesus, and confirmed by the Holy Spirit, and which is the duty of every one of us to preach the truth of the Gospel,
We preach not for people, but for God, so that we can preach the Gospel of God happly, Hallelujah, Amen.
True Jesus Church Shanghai Church
20th March, 2020
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
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God Take The Preacher To Preach The Gospel
About nine o 'clock, I heard the voice of God say, "You should go." So I set out, and as I walked, I heard the voice of God again: "They will bring you a special message from God."
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Why One Of The Criminals On The Cross Beside Jesus Was Saved Without Baptism
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