The Garbage Smoke Changed After The Prayer
The garbage smoke changed after the prayer
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony
Thank God that today at the Sabbath, my youngest son, who was about fifteen months old, was playing in the yard instead of going to religious school.
Then one of our neighbors burned garbage to the left of the front door of the house where we were gathering to worship God. The wind was blowing in the yard, so it brought the smoke and ashes and fell on me and my children.
On one side of our yard were religious children teaching, and on the other side were preaching Gospel truths
I hurried over and knocked on the door of the infant class (the door was locked), trying to bring the child in.After knocking for a long time, no one opened the door for me, and I dared not shout loudly to the people inside the door for fear of affecting my brothers and sisters to hear the truth
Then I tried to take the boy under the eaves for a while, but he wouldn't listen to me. He kept playing in the mud.
Then I prayed to God, asking the Lord Jesus to protect us from the smoke.after praying , I felt a gust of wind coming and blowing out of the courtyard. The smoke was carried away and the air was immediately much clearer.My heart suddenly felt very wonderful,
Then he went to the gate and looked at it for a long time. The flame changed its direction and did not turn again.
Till We are together end , the smoke no longer blowing in.
True Jesus Church
ZhangPu church
Xie Zhaorui
19th 2020
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