
Testimony For Holy Communion

Jesus Holy Spirit Church Holy Communion
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2022-07-15 15:34:05 China Testimony1158055

Thanks be to god! By the grace of God, the elder together with other brethren have come to us today to baptize and hold holy Communion. When listening to the sermon of holy communion, ears suddenly heard  a cold voice, what seems to be the voice of the liquid dropping from a height on the ground. I think what happened to the ear and just shook my head. The sound has not disappeared but grew louder and more clear. When I opened the bible, I closed my eyes and wanted to listen to the teaching. Suddenly, I saw blood dripping down, the precious blood of Jesus. Then the Holy Spirit kept touching me, and my tears continued to flow, and I was filled with gratitude and debt. The Holy Spirit touched me even more, but I held back my voice because of the crowd. Until finishing the unleavened bread, and the elder began to bless the pure grape juice, and I knelt down behind him, and I said to the Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, we thank you. At the night before you were caught, you never think for yourself but prepared your disciples the holy communion so that we can imitate today to have this blessing, to receive it. Thank you so much for your precious blood flowing out, your hanging on the cross of cold for us, giving us the chance and hope to come to you... Then I heard the Voice of the Lord, and the Lord Jesus spoke to me and told me, "I told you I couldn't leave you alone there…(I heard Lord told me this during the last holy communion) The blood that I shed is a proof of my love for you..." I couldn't stop crying...

Holy Communion has the effect of forgiveness of SINS. Before receiving, everyone should repent and ask the Lord Jesus to forgive and increase faith, so that we get strength. So we examine and weep before we receive the holy communion. Then I heard Jesus said to me, "Do not weep. Come in and stay in my house forever. Tell them, come, all of you, to receive this cup, and come in and stay at home forever." Since many of our brothers and sisters have not yet received the Holy Spirit, at the end of the holy communion,  we together pray for the Holy Spirit for all of us. Not long after, the Lord said, "Obey my command. Do not turn back to your own desires and worship all kinds of idols. Come in, come in and live in my home forever." And as elder Xie laid his hands on me, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and wept aloud bitterly.

The Love of The Lord Jesus is in everyone, and at that moment, the Holy Spirit made me understand more clearly why the Lord Jesus came back to the disciples and appeared to them after he rose from the dead. Because Jesus can't leave disciples alone, Jesus can't leave us alone. He knows his disciples will be weak and would be sad, will fall down, know that we need to be strengthened. He came back and told the disciples that the kingdom of god is true, everything is true. The nail marks is true. He knows we are weak and have mercy on our weakness. People usually belive by seeing. So, in order to strengthen them, Lord Jesus came to fulfill it. So that we may understand why the Lord Jesus said, "How long shall I stay with you?" How long will I put up with you? Because he could not leave them alone, he continues to intercede for all at the father's right hand to this day... This is love.

"Do not let your heart be troubled; Believe in God, believe also in me. In my father's house are many dwellings; If not, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also. You know where I am going. You know the way." . Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:1-4,6 KJV)

Thank God. May we all always be in the love of Jesus Christ, thinking, remembering his love, looking to Jesus Christ to strengthen our hearts and walking on the path of the Lord. Thanks be to god! Glory to the Father in heaven, amen!

Witness: Guo Sisters True Jesus Church on February 15, 2022


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