More Than One Year Old Child Leave Home,Be Safe
we believe that’s God care him
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ:
On 15th October, 2018, I put on my clothes on the second floor, my one-year-old babyXue Jiale was watching TV.
As a child, he never went out alone, but unexpectedly, when his grandmother was out delivering goods outside, and he went out looking for me because he didn't see me.
When I put on my clothes and went downstairs and didn't see him. There ia sound from the TV,no child. So I call him ,I think he likes to play hide and seek with me usually, and never answer maybe in the room. But I looked for in every room, and I didn't see him in every corner.
My heart is falling down .So I went out to look for again, at this time his grandmother came back, I look for together .We went to the street see that there is an old aunt we do not know who holding the baby's hand, the child is my son. Thank her bring me the baby,
Aunt scolded us: take care of the chinlren .I was very guilt.
My son has tears and snot on his face and a ball in his hands.
I was scolded by my mother, it is terrible as one child was only a year old, there are cars everywhere, in the street so small children do not know how to avoid.
Thank the Lord indeed, believe in the peace of the Lord.All glory to the Lord!
Witness: sister Xue Mingfang
True Jesus Shanghai church
16th , October 2018
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