
What Is The Church Of God

Jesus Church Truth
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2019-09-16 21:11:41 True Jesus Church1926651


“The Holy Spirit establishes your supervision as a whole group, and you should be cautious for yourself, and be cautious for the whole group. The church that shepherds God is bought by his own blood. (or redemption)” (Acts 20:28)

The church is bought by Jesus with his own blood. It is a flock of sheep built up by brothers and sisters. Because in various places, there are churches.

"He went to Syria, the Kili family, and strengthened the churches." (Acts 15:41)

There is also a church at home.

The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings. Aquila and Priscilla greet you warmly in the Lord, and so does the church that meets at their house. (1 Cor. 16:19)“Writing to the church of the Corinthian god, sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be a saint, and all who call on the name of my Lord Jesus Christ everywhere. Christ is their Lord and ours. The Lord." (1 Cor. 1:2)

The church of God is called to be a saint in Jesus, and to all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve are the church; the Jacobs are the church; the State of Israel is the church; and many places have the church of God. It is one with the apostolic church, one with the true church, and one with the heavenly Jerusalem. This is the church of God.

The church is to be one in the truth, one in the Holy Spirit, one in the heart, one in Jesus and one in the glory of Jesus. As the father and the child are one.

There is a saying that the church is an administrative organization. Since it is an administration, there is a political power; with the political power, there is power; with power, the servant will become a leader. Jesus tells us truly that this is not the case. It seems to be an official. It seems that the servant is in charge of power.

"Jesus called them to come and said, "You know that the Gentiles have kings. Govern them, and the ministers will control them. 26. It is only in the midst of you. If anyone among you is willing to be great, you will be your employer." (Matthew 23:25-26)

Why do we have to set up different sacred workers, and why God wants to give all kinds of gifts, but to better perform their duties, so that all the members of the body can function and work together to serve God:

"The whole body relies on him to communicate in a harmonious manner. Each section is divided into different positions. According to the functions of each body, helping each other, the body is gradually growing, and establishing oneself in love." (Eph. 4:16)

Therefore, God arranges different orders in the church:

"The first God is established in the church, the first is the apostle. The second is the prophet, the third is the teacher. The second is the ability. Again, it is the gift of healing. Help Man. Governing things. Speaking in tongues." (1 Corinthians 12:28); "He has given apostles, prophets. There are evangelists. There are pastors and teachers. 12. To be holy The disciples do their part to establish the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11)

If the order set by God is reversed and the gift is smeared, the church may suffer damage and even a great breach. It is also possible to go in the direction of the world, not in the spiritual direction. It is also possible to raise the wicked and block the mouth of the righteous. The Bible says:

"When the wicked rises, the man hides. The wicked are ruined, and the righteous are increased." (Proverbs 28:28)

The reversal of spiritual and worldly order will lead to the rise of the chaos of God. God has established evangelists and supervise who is a spiritual watchman and gives a distribution of various gifts. But the foundation is the Word of God. The twelve apostles obeyed the Lord's command and concentrated on prayer and preaching: "The twelve apostles called the disciples and said to them,

"So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:2-4)"

The purpose of God's establishment of the church is to preach the gospel, so the apostle knew this. The devil is destroyed and resisted by the chaos in the management of the church, so Peter said: Choose from seven of you who are well-known, filled with the Holy Spirit, and who have sufficient wisdom, and we will send them to manage this. So from the brothers and sisters, seven were chosen to help the cause.

They were chosen to help the gospel, to reduce Peter’s entanglement so they can concentrate on preaching. In order to carry out the will of God, everyone has a division of labor, matching each other, and working hard for the same goal. After all, people's energy is limited. There are many things inside the church. Everyone needs to be cared for and shepherded. Some people can cooperate with the ministry of evangelism. They can help Peter reduce their bondage, and apostles have more energy and concentration to complete the Lord’s consign.

Why do you arrange and organize different organizations, groups, etc. according to the number of people and the geographical proximity? Why do need to establish the church of Antioch, the church of Philippi, the church of Corinth, the church of Thessalonica, etc. Why is it not just a church in Jerusalem? It is convenient for everyone to gather, which is conducive to the development of the gospel.

In order to better shepherd and match each other, better build the faith of believers, spread the gospel to the world, and let all people hear the Word of the Lord. However, it is necessary to understand that the church is not a worldly organization but a home of God. Organizations can change, but the gospel cannot change.

It’s not that we’ve done very well today, nor that we’re all done, but we have to forget the back, work hard ahead, and go straight to the benchmark. Paul said: "

This is not to say that I have already got it. It is already complete. I am trying to pursue it, or I can get it with Christ Jesus. Brothers, I don't think I have already got it. I have only one thing, that is, forgetting what is going on behind the scenes. Go straight to the standard and get the reward that God has called me from above in Christ Jesus.” (Proverbs 3:12-14)

Like a family, there is also a division of labor for the development of the family, for every member of the family. Parents in the world will continue to raise their children with their own will, but God will let the parents in the Lord not provoke the children's anger, I am afraid that the children will lose their ambition, just follow the Lord's teachings and warnings, and raise the offspring:

"You are fathers, don't To provoke the children, just raise them according to the teachings and warnings of the Lord." (Eph. 6:4)

The family of this world will be managed according to private intentions, but the church of God requires people to build with truth. As God commanded Noah to make the ark, Noah did what God commanded:

"Noah did this. He did what God commanded." (Gen. 6:22)


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