In The Name Of Jesus, Cast Out The Demon
In the name of the Lord Jesus testify
When we are praying in the morning, during the time when pastor Melinda speaking" in the name of Jesus, cast out demon." I saw a man in white cloth putting his hand like this. when he appeared to me, I saw him walking among us. after walking among us, he disapeared. and when he disapeared, I saw fire, a really huge fire,covering in front of us when we were praying in the house of pastor george. and the voice coming from heaven and told me"in the name of Jesus, cast out the demon of accidents". After the voice spoken, and the voice disappeared like that.
True Jesus Church Shanghai Church
Described by Pastor Henry
In Pastor George house
March 2nd, 2020
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17Jesus Call The Sheep Into The True Jesus Church
and a voice saying, I am the Lord of the sheep, come and call the sheep into the True Jesus Church, And choose shepherds to feed them. I am the Lord, I am the Lord.
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12.Be Baptized In The Name Of Jesus Christ
being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
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