He Who Plants Righteousness Will Harvest Mercy
In the holy name of the Lord Jesus, share the testament:
I'm looking after someone else's store. Last night, a customer came into the store and needed help to send out number of the lottery ticket in my store. I told her not to buy the lottery ticket. She said she would buy it for someone else. I just told her she couldn't buy it. It's against the law to buy lottery tickets. I didn't stop her and only ask her not to operate in my shop. She still operated in the shop. Suddenly, my leg was acid and soft, I knew I have sinned against God, because God gave me a healthy body. My legs won't be sore or weak for years. Sometimes I caught a cold since I made mistakes and did not understand God's will or not do what God wants me to do. So I immediately confessed to God but my legs were not turning well. Then I said to God, "you let my legs heal, and I will be your witness." Thank God the leg recovered soon. Suddenly, the mind and heart were widened. Thank God, this is the discipline of God's love.
So as Christian shall not do anything which is against the law, nor let others do anything which is against the law in the places where we manage. For I Timothy 5:22 tells us not to share in the SINS of others; Hebrews 12:6: for whom god love he chastens, and scourge every son whom he receives. May god always remind us to help us in our life to reject all sin! Thank god, Amen!
Witness: Sister Aiyu Fan
Date: April 4th, 2018
True Jesus Church Quanzhou Church
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The Power Of God'S Leading In Traffic Accident
God is working and leading. Finally, please continue to pray for me, we all listen to God's will.
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Tithe Donation God Give Us Blessing So Fully.
Bring the tithe donatiaon God open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing nd grace ato me
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