
To Preach The Gospel ,Let This Mind Be In You, Which Was Also In Christ Jesus

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2020-11-02 15:18:26 Global Testimony1751620

To preach the Gospel ,Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:

On The 22nd of April, we found that The apostle Peter, who had been baptized a few

days before, had not been fully immersed in the water when he was baptized, so he

came up from the water and was disturbed by evil spirits.That same evening we baptized him again, this time completely immersed in water, thank the Lord When he came up out of the water, he was filled with the Holy Spirit, standing in the water and praying and

speaking in tongues. And tells us that this time he saw the light.

The next night, the minister, who belonged to the True Church, contacted us and said he was coming to see us.When he met us, he kept saying that he was now very powerful,

very powerful, and enlightened. Because his English was not very good, we had to wait

for Muta to translate, When Muta came back, he translated for us and said that Peter had a dream that saw baptized people with a mark on their heads and the name of Jesus on their foreheads. And then he went out preached the right baptism and the right foot washing to a lot of people, and then he said let's pray for the Holy Spirit together, and a lot of people came up and asked for the

Holy Spirit, and a lot of people were filled with the Holy Spirit, and he felt the power, and the Holy Spirit was with him, and then he washed the feet of a lot of people and encouraged them all to go and be baptized.

Again we explain to him that Jesus says that the whole body of a person who has bathed is clean when he washes his feet.But he was very enthusiastic about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus, and when he heard it, he preached it, and the Lord Jesus willcontinue to lead him, and the local church will continue to grow up.

Thank the Lord, when we do it faithfully, the Holy Spirit will help us step by step to growup, to be like the Lord Jesus, to follow the Lord Jesus, glory to the Lord. Amen.

Philippians 2:5[KJV]Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus

Witness time: 24 April , 2020

Witness place :Kilimanjaro Boma, Tanzania



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