The Gospel Of Truth And Salvation: Witness Of The Gospel Of Burundi 1
The Gospel of truth and salvation: witness of the Gospel of Burundi 1
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:
About eight months ago, around September 2020, we planned to go to Burundi to preach. At that time, Therefore, we learned that people in Burundi need to go to the Burundian immigration office to issue a certified invitation letter to foreigners, so that we could apply for visas in the embassy after receiving the invitation letter.
We prayed to God for it and went to Rwanda to preach. Thank God, a preacher in Burundi found us on WhatsApp, and we started preparing to go to Burundi.
Then I met the consul of the Burundian Embassy. He is willing to help us and directly handle the visa for us. And the whole process gave us help.
So, after we finished sermon in the South, deal with church matters , and the visa came out. We went to the consul to get the visa. He shook hands with us happily and told us some things to pay attention to. We blessed him in the name of the Lord.
Thank God. We have prepared for a long time for the journey to Burundi to spread the Gospel. Although we met some obstacles before, God has his time to open the door of the Gospel for us, so that we can enter Burundi smoothly to spread the Gospel truth.
Before coming, the Holy Spirit led us to see a Burundian Shabbat Bishop named Desire, who was overjoyed that we were coming and contacted other missionaries to welcome us. They took us to a province in Burundi and told us that most brothers and sisiters in the province keep the Sabbath.
Bishop Desire knew a local bishop called Solomon, who presides over 19 churches in various parts of Burundi, with more than 2,700 followers. Our first stop was at his own church. We suggest that we call the preacher together first, and we share the right Gospel truth with the preacher, and when the local preachers understand it, they themselves can continue to preach the Gospel truth to the believers. So they planned to hold a truth learning meeting the next day, inviting the preachers to come.
The next day we went to the church to study the Gospel of Truth. Bishop Solomon and eight preachers from the area, as well as fellow workers from the church, attended. On the first day, we mainly shared the correct baptism, and we listened very carefully. Many people listened and asked questions while listening. At noon, we had a meal, and continued to learn the truth until the evening. Everyone received the word of God and decided to be baptized, so baptism was scheduled for the next day.
Bishop Solomon is being foot washing.
On the morning of the third day, there was a heavy rain, so we prayed to God that we would baptize today, asking God to prepare a good weather. Soon the rain stopped and the sun was shining brightly. In the morning, we shared foot washing and Holy Communion. At noon, everyone came one by one to register their names to be baptized. Then we all set out to walk 2 kilometers to the river to be baptized.
The whole process was very orderly, because the local preachers had prepared the place for baptism early, and the brothers and sisters who were named were baptized one by one. There were 46 preachers in total. Bishop Solomon said that as we were walking down the road to be baptized, he saw a dove next to us, and it stayed with us.
After baptism, he returned to the church for foot washing and Holy Communion, and pray for the Holy Spirit. A total of 10 people received the Holy Spirit. When he received the Holy Spirit, Bishop Solomon felt himself in another space, his body shook, and he flew like a bird. And a voice like Lucas' preaching voice said to him, "Follow me." Bishop Solomon asked, "Where are we going?" The voice continued, "You just follow me." Bishop Solomon followed him to a place where he saw many people, who did not know each other, praying, "Come again, come again." And I heard them all speaking in new tongues. Behind his back, and he felt after receive the Holy Spirit, He began to speak many languages: English, French, Hiswari, but we see him receiving the Holy Spirit with his tongue beating and speaking in tongues, and it was God who opened his ears when he spoke in tongues and made him interpret in tongues and hear his own tongues as if they were the tongues of nations.
Another sister shared that she had been praying when she saw a man dressed in white come to her with a large flower.
Another sister shared that she saw a white light and saw four birds.
Another brother heard the angel singing and saying, "How wonderful it is that God is with you!" And someone near him heard the angel beating the beat: "One, two; One, two."
Solomon and the other preachers said they had prayed a year ago for someone to bring to them who would tell the truth and the Gospel of God. God answered their prayer, and just before we came, some of our brothers and sisters had a vision of us coming.
Thank God, everyone has received the salvation of the kingdom of heaven, and we are all happy, and there is Gospel learning later. Continue to teach them the word of God, and add to us daily the number of those who are saved. May the Lord Jesus Spirit be with us and lead us, and give glory to the God of heaven. Hallelujah! Amen!
The Holy Temple
True Jesus church
Church of Burundi
May 4, 2021
Full Gospel Truth
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To Overcome The Devil By The Word Of God;God Opens His Ear And Can Hear
To overcome the devil by the Word of God;God opens his ear and can hear
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The Gospel Of Truth And Salvation: Witness Of The Gospel Of Burundi 3
The Gospel of truth and salvation: witness of the Gospel of Burundi 3
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