God Send True Jesus Church To Spread Truth
I am pastor Leonard from TJC Kenya. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ to share this vision.
The last night while I was sleeping, I heard a voice calling me "Emmanuel, stand up and see what I am going to do".
When I stood up, I again saw some black people and white people of TJC stood on left hand side of Jesus and some stand at the right hand of Jesus, led by pastor Xie.
Jesus said to those at the right hand that they are blessed coz he chose them to spread the truth for salvation to the whole world and they were surrounded by very many white doves and stars.
They were told to wait for the Eagle from the heaven to bring them the message.
Later I saw those who were standing on the left side of Jesus proclaming that they were serving God to spread the truth for salvation, immediately I saw two dove's leaving them with a lot of quetions marks and they were directed to the burning hell, they looked at pastor Xie.
Pastor Xie shaded tears, asked Jesus to forgive them, they came repent and confess. Immediatly I saw two hynas joining a very big gathering of hynas and distributing themselves to every conner of the world to block the truth for salvation,
a head of the conference's and the spritual convocations, Then I saw the Eagle coming from the heaven to the Earth and took the letter written TRUTH FOR SALVATION TO THE WHOLE WORLD, back to heaven and again brought it back and give it to TRUE JESUS CHURCH.
Then I heard the last voice of pastor Xie saying my brothers and sisters let us follow Jesus Christ alone. The Eagle took all of them together with pastor Xie and spread them to the whole world to spread the truth for salvation,
Again I saw them, after they have been distributed, some of them were persecuted because of the truth, Amen.
May fellow pastors let us not consider our capability, education, wealthy but we believe and fellow Jesus.
Pastor Leonard
True Jesus Church Kenya Church
Jan 28th, 2020
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