Find The Lost Sheep; The Lord Rejoice
The Lord look for the lost sheep, He climbed mountains and valleys, find the lost sheep; the Lord rejoice, the angels sing, the redeemed rejoice
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:
The true Jesus preachers went to the church yesterday in Kenya, a place where Jone who is from General Assembly ,preached the Gospel in 2003
At that time, two local preachers who received the Gospel began to preach the truth of the Gospel in the local community. The number of believers was up to 70. Jone came to Africa twice to baptize for them.
In 2004 local believers built their own church.
In 2010, local preachers went to other cities to work because of economic pressure. The church had no preachers, and the believers began to drain away. Until today, there are 10 people left, 8 of whom are family members of the original local preachers.
In 2019, the church house was blown away by high winds and left in ruins.
Believers gathered the blown tin roofs and doors and Windows and stored them, hope that one day the church would be rebuilt.
Yesterday we went to see these believers, one of whom was the mother of a local preacher, and the Holy Spirit had gone away, speaking in a changed tongue, speaking from lips, not in a true tongue.
We pray in the name of Jesus and cast out demons,ask the Lord Jesus again for the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit returns. All of us are great joy.
The Lord care for his people, the Lord lovingly saves us, the Lord's rod and staff comfort me.God's temple was destroyed by the devil.
Now rebuild the temple, close up the breach and rebuild the wall.
Led by the Holy Spirit, the disciples were called back to develop the holy dwelling and the of the True Jesus Church.
True Jesus Church Kenya Church
February 27, 2020
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11.Holy Sprit Give To Them That Obey Jesus
The Lord Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to those who desire, to those who obey, to those who desperately seek
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Accept The Five Righteousnesses Mentioned
listening to the God's word, her back and body aches were immediately healed by God and she is now feeling very well.
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