26Faith In Jesus Will Be Full Of Grace
Faith in Jesus will be Full of Grace
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:
At Holy Ghost church on the Kenyan border, the bishop's family of ten receives baptism.(The first photo)
After the baptism today, several brothers and sisters share testimony:
One of my brothers said he had a headache at school and went home and got baptized and his headache is well.
One of the sisters said, "I had a headache and a stomachache, but she accept the baptism ,she is well ."Before the baptism, a voice said to her, do not go to the baptism.After the baptism, her heart was released, full of joy and strength and want to preach the Gospel.
A preacher said that after the baptism he felt that he had a new life and strength to preach the Gospel for the Lord.
A drunken brother said, after the baptism, I felt like a living man.
In addition, pastor Alex, one of the first workers of the True Jesus Church in Kenya, is baptizing at the local church today.
The Lord Jesus continue to lead the development of the Gospel.
Glory to the Lord Jesus.
Thank God!
(the second photo)
True Jesus Church Shanghai Church
10th March 2020
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